History and Purpose of “Repentance”
“Repentance” is a life-size sculpture of myself, sculpted in clay with the aid of mirrors. I did it when I was nineteen in 1965 during my second year at the Museum Art School. I cast it in reinforced Ultracal cement.
But around 1990, hoping to create a more modern, less “Grecian” look, I put jeans on it and attached a falling pistol. I also coated it with bronze casting wax, enabling finer detail.
Since I was thirteen my great ambition was to glorify God as He had not been glorified before. From that time my education and interests inclined in that direction. Although I did not have the intention of expressing the idea of repentance through my clay sculpture, I believe He led me to choose a pose perfectly suited to such a purpose. That purpose was to give visual form to the greatest duty of man’s existence: to confess and turn away from sin- at last becoming the friend of the One who created us, Jesus.
Status: Ready to be cast in bronze
Title: “REPENTANCE” (Copyright 2018)
Material: Artist’s master. 98% finished. To be cast in bronze.
Size: H 80”
Edition of: A Numbered Edition
Price: $78,500.00
Repentance as a Tool of Evangelism
“Repentance” for purposes of evangelism in the foyer of a Megachurch may seem shocking to some parishioners. “What! -a statue of the vilest of sinners in God’s house of worship?” Yet it is this very incongruity which will have an irresistible attraction to young people, many of whom are in urgent need of knowing Christ as savior.
If the angels rejoice over every sinner who repents, should not Christ’s church do the same? Is not the very purpose of a church building to welcome unrepentant sinners in order to be saved?
Presentation of “Repentance”
“Repentance” can be set on the floor against a white wall. It’s explanatory message can hang on the wall beside it. (figure 1) Or a section of the wall can be roller painted or draped in bright red enamel- as an “installation” to symbolize Christ’s blood.
Figure 1
Fig. 2 shows “Repentance” as an “art installation”- its most powerful and complete presentation. A stainless steel cross, 1/16” thick and 10’9” tall is bolted to a 24” heavy duty stainless pedestal. (The statue is not fastened to the pedestal but may, if need be, be carried horizontally on a blanket by six men.) The entire area occupied by the cross and sculpture is painted vivid red.
Figure 2
The bronze plaque says:
A tough young gang leader was about to shoot his rival. But suddenly the Holy Spirit convicts him for his sin. Instantly he sees himself for what he is and will become. He is terrified and bows his head in shame, asking God to forgive him. He drops his gun, symbol of his hurtful and malicious life -now past.
He is “born again”, his name written in Christ’s “Book of Life”. (Luke2:10,Philippians 4:3). For the first time he reads (and really studies)the Bible. In Ephesians 2: 8,9 it tells him what he already knows: that he has been empowered to repent and be saved by the grace of Christ alone. But in the next verse, ( 2:10) it says that the purpose of such unmerited salvation is not just to demonstrate Christ’s incredible mercy and love. Rather, it is to empower great works of righteousness among His saints- works pre-planned from past eternity! He finds the book of James in perfect agreement, asserting that “faith without works is dead.”( James 2:17).
But how, he asks, can the Christian know which works to perform? Isaiah 30:21 gives the answer. It says that God, as the “Great Communicator” has no problem leading his saints to perform the good works He desires. If the Christian continues to trust and obey Jesus as much as he is able, he will hear God’s voice saying “This is the way, walk ye in it.” As he trusts and obeys Jesus, the Holy Spirit will bear witness with his spirit that indeed he is one of God’s elect, chosen for salvation. ( Romans 8:16). By such assurance he knows that Jesus will help him to “endure unto the end”, as Jesus requires, in order to remain in His Book of Life, ( Matthew 24: 13, 14).
For if he backslides, indulging in such sins as fornication, adultery, or homosexuality, God will not be mocked. Having written his name in His “membership roster”, He is very capable of erasing it. Thus He warns in Rev. 3:5: “He who endures unto the end I will not erase from my Book of Life”.
Emboldened by Christ’s just and workable terms, his right leg moves forward. A slight smile appears on the left side of his mouth. He walks forward to a new life under Christ’s guidance - a life which, despite hardships, is dedicated to glorifying God and helping others. Afterward, he will be with his Redeemer forever, a Redeemer who knew he would be saved before the Universe was created.
“Repentance” for Gun- Violence Prevention: Two Proposals
Increasingly, Megachurches are posting armed guards against possible gun violence. This introduces the possibility that they might use “Repentance” as part of a long- range educational program to subtly, yet powerfully, turn their youth against gun violence- while at the same time evangelizing them.
But first, a word about the special group this effort would be directed toward: young boys. The great majority of shooters of groups of people are white men of a median age of 31. Generally speaking, black and, to a lesser extent, Hispanic male shooters do most of the drive-by, drug related ghetto shootings. In contrast, white male shooters largely come from suburbia- the environment of most Megachurches.
Boys Need Heroes
Most boys, from at least seven or eight, strongly gravitate toward “macho” male role models. Hollywood and video games exploit such adolescent male instincts, usually to their detriment. But, in the following proposals, l believe this sculpture’s “macho”, “tough guy” image can consciously and subconsciously influence countless male adolescents for Jesus and away from the temptation of gun violence.
The first proposal is an in- Church memorial to victims of a Megachurch shooting or massacre. It’s bronze plaque would contain all necessary condolences and attributions, plus names of victims.
It would be strongly evangelistic, but designed to encourage boys to identify with the “hero” role projected by my sculpture. The content of the plaque would be streamlined and easy to understand, emphasizing the basics of salvation and that “tough guys” choose Jesus and drop gun violence.
The second use of “Repentance” uses the same text, but does not depend upon a gun massacre for it’s existence. It involves a concerted effort by a Megachurch to promote gun violence prevention. By prominently displaying “Repentance” before vast numbers of boys attending Megachurches throughout their growing years the objective is do as much as possible to ensure that a gun-violent shooter is not produced by the same Church.
A focused anti- gun violence display may thus be seen as an investment toward the future safety of a Megachurch. If a shooting someday occurs, at least the possibility of it coming from one of it’s own may be greatly reduced. Such a preemptive initiative could be the surest way to hold back gun violence: transform troubled, angry youths into a disciples of the Prince of Peace.
Text for Plaque of Anti Gun Violence Presentations
“Repentance” by Winston Pike
A tough young gang leader was about to shoot his rival. But suddenly the Holy Spirit convicts him for his sin. Instantly he sees himself for what he is and will become. He bows his head in shame and deeply repents to God. He drops his gun- which stands for his hurtful life- now past.
He is “born again”. For the first time he reads- and studies- the Bible. Ephesians 2:8,9 tells him what he already knows: that he has been saved by the grace of Jesus alone. But in verse 10 it says the purpose of such undeserved salvation is not just to show Christ’s incredible mercy and love. Instead, it is to make possible great works of righteousness- works which Jesus had planned before the universe was created!
He finds the book of James perfectly agrees, saying that “faith without works is dead. (James 2:17).
Encouraged by this promise, his right leg moves forward. A slight smile appears on the left side of his mouth. He walks forward into a new life under Christ’s guidance. This is a life which, despite hardships, is dedicated to helping, not hurting others.
Afterward, if he “overcomes” and “endures unto the end”, trusting and obeying Jesus to the best of his ability, he will be with his Redeemer forever. ( Rev. 3:5)
The “tough guy” image of rebellion
against gun violence...
Note: To prevent damage or vandalism a stainless steel rod will exist within the lower left arm through the forefinger extending into the pistol butt.